I just watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood for the first time..
And klike… immediatled?
I thought of Newcastle. And Keegan. That sonummagun… And then Cultaholic. And then.
This rambling… basically…
Mostly… I just wanna say two-ish things, bruh…

You know I’m right here. Don’t lie to me…
Cool, cool, coolcoolcool?
The movie takes two hours to get to the point.
But the point…?
It made me belly laugh harder than I have in a while…
RANDOM SIDENOTE: Legit, as a whole? That statement is correnct. But… Like… It was, legit, last weekish, when I laughed so much I cried watchingh SNITSKY~! segments and the like… I dunno. Whatever,. Shut up! ME!
At the end of the day? This is a two-hour pre-show to a half hour, GREATY miovie.
And if nothing else….
We ghot…

RANDOM SIDENOTE: Here I’ve been thinking that this meme came from The Wolf of Wall Street for YEARS now… dumkoff…
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