Since we last spoke about this thing. You know. Las t weekish.
Rotten Tomatores had only made “progessional journalists” review Dave Chappelle’s Netclix comedy Special, Sticks and Stones, those “rpofessional journalists” (five of them,) gave the showing a 0% rating on the Tomat-o-meterness. Right? And, initially, the public was not allowed to review the special.
When the public got a hold of it? THey gave it a 99% ratigin.
Jeremy Jahns did this… thing…
Jeremy Jns, who is an apparent, “official,” critic on RT, gave it a fresh review. Which bumped it up to like… 17%. Last I checked? THere was… I think… nine “official” review.s. With 33%.

But. Waitaminute.
Let’s checkout another Netclix original.

If you, on the left, think the media you’re getting ISN’T biased? GTFO.
Sure. Fox News LOVES this current president.
And. Virtually EVERY piece of media outside of it HATES him. Period.
This BLATANT political bias can not be denied.
The end?
Quick rambling GTFO.

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