The other night, I had a dream. While I wouldn’t use the term, “vivid,” or, “life-like,” but it was something so deep. It was something so very, VERY real. I was living inside of it, for what was probably only five minutes. And that’s dream time. DAMN YOU, INCEPTION!
But basically, in the dream, my nephew was running a comic book store. Or, at the very least, he was a manager. So, I’m in there. Talking to my nephew. And I’m like, “holy shit this is amazing!” And everything. Because. You know. Obvious reasons. Then I started to walk around the shop.
And I noticed there’s two, pretty much empty rooms conjoined with the place. Both rooms have a TV with a connected video game system, and like some chairs and “EZ Boys” in them and that’s it. So I go to my nephew and I’m like, “Dude, why the hell aren’t you filling these rooms with video games to sell?”
And he says, “DAMN! THAT’S A GOOD IDEA!” Then I started to like… interior decorate the place or something and I suggest that we start by selling our own gaming collection. Basically. I could feel my heart racing. I was so God damn excited to be involved with this growing, OBVIOUSLY perfect business of two things I absolutely love.
And then I woke up. The excitement got to me.
Reality kicked in.
Life was. You know. Life.
The dream was gone.
The point of all of this is.
This is a literal dream. That I had. About a metaphoric dream that I’d like to become a reality.

When I started watching Comic Book Men, it hit me, for the first time in my life (even though it should have been painfully obvious) – I want to work in a comic book store. I guess, that shouldn’t be the DREAM JOB~! OH MAN~! IF I COULD MAKE A CAREER OUT OF WORKING FOR MINIMUM WAGE AT A COMIC SHOP~! MY LIFE WOULD BE COMPLETE~!~!!~@!~ In those terms, it does seem very silly. But it’s still a “dream job” of mine.
Sure, I haven’t lived that dream. More than likely, I never will. But I have accomplished some dreams of mine. I truly have. Hell. For the past two years, I’ve been, pretty much, living in a dream. As insignificant as it may be, I’ve been hosting my own talk show. FOR TWO YEARS!

This is something that I’ve wanted to do since I was 13-years-old. And I’m doing it. And have been doing it.
I don’t know what the point of all of this is.
As much as I’d absolutely love to follow up on the, “comic shop,” dream, I realize it probably won’t happen.
Frowny face.
But wait…
What’s that, Shia?
[youtube width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”nuHfVn_cfHU”]
I don’t care what your dream is.
If you want to be a lawyer. Do it.
If you’d like to be a veterinarian. Do it.
If you’d like to do a podcast about a comic book character. Do it.
The only thing that’s stopping ANYONE from following their dreams?
Nine times out of ten. It’s themselves.
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