So. Just recently. As in, within the past 72 (ish) hours, I had finally gotten my hands on the Playstation exclusive video game title, The Last of Us. And. Obviously. It’s an amazing work of art. Truly. Any complaints about the game I could (or should) share will be withheld due to the sheer shape and scope of this game’s beauty.
But I did want to dig a little deeper. Obviously. With a title such as “The Last of Us,” anyone’s initial thoughts (especially with today’s modern pop culture) should spring up images of zombies surrounding the imagination. And the obvious “philosophical” topic would be… “Is a zombie apocalypse upon us?” And. You know. A writer would tie it into the game. And what have you.
Thankfully. Jake of Youtube’s VSauce3 already did this. Perfectly. And so. Here’s that video.
[embedplusvideo height=”378″ width=”620″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=baOlT-1yY4A&width=620&height=378&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2347″ /]
However, what I want to focus on is simply… who are we as human beings? Are “we” the average, law-abiding citizens? Can we find ourselves being aligned in the moral ambiguity of Joel in The Last of Us?
Generally speaking, I’m pretty positive that most all Americans are law-abiding. We trust in the systems of our government to protect and serve us. Especially locally.
Generally, as an American, we aim to help our fellow man. We try our best, when we can, to help each other. Even that EVIL 1% of the wealthiest Americans… those evil bastards. They contribute the most to charities. Because. They’re so evil.
But that’s not the point. 90% of the time, if you’re a citizen in America, or most Western countries, you are a good person. Hell. In Eastern countries, this is probably true too.
Overall, I want to (and do) believe that we, as human beings, try to become better. That is our personal take on the Theory of Evolution. Our evolution is to become better people, interally. To leave the world better than we arrived. Period. The end.

Sadly, more and more as I’ve discussed on my podcasts numerous times, I see that we are devolving into a tribal society. We’ve, once again, accepted tribalism. Meaning.
“I hate you because you’re rich”
“I hate you because white cops killed two black people in 2014!”
“I hate you because you worship a different God than I do!”
Whatever the case may be… we have allowed ourselves to devolve into tribalism. We’ve allowed the media to dictate who we are as human beings. Which is the saddest of all.
No longer do we see each other as human beings. No longer do we see each other as being a part of a single race. The human race.
We have allowed a news media and (HATE ME~! SLAY ME~!) a President to divide us further. A President that should have been the uniting force behind, especially, race relations in America has become nothing more than a 1990’s Al Sharpton joke.
Sadly. If you’re reading this. It’s pretty obvious that you’re the last of us. As a general populace in America, all sense of logic and common sense is gone. It’s been replaced with Youtube challenge videos and “Real” House Wives.

If you’ve read all of these words, you are one of the, current, last of us. You are a part of the solution. You can be the leader that unites fragile race relations in America. You can be a leader that speaks truths, no matter the cost.
Overall… you’re, PROBABLY not, morally ambiguous. You won’t find yourself being the protagonist of any fictional media in the near future.
If you’re reading this, more than likely, you do what’s TRULY right. No matter the situation.
YOU are among, the last of us.
[…] You know… […]