So. I mean. Yeah dude. I’ve been on about BoJAck Horseman. A lot. Right? And I mean. Since we just got done with that Netclix original Christmas movie… I figured… I’d give ya’ll a bonus with a quick little watching of the BoJack Horseman Christmas Special! Right? So let’s do this quick. And stuffs.
- SO I mean. I had to ask google when the first season of the show was… but yeah dude. This special was also released the same year. You kno. 2014.
- And. I mean. Already. It shows.
- Todd drank up all your beer? GTFO.
- And like. Family Guy humor all-round. Right?
- I think… I could be wron.g But I’m pretty sure this is the only time we get an uninterrupted intro to Horsin’ Around. So. Cool. right?
- Allinson Brie is a thing.
- Her nboons are nice. Obviously. Dave Franco. Comments. Thanks, GLOW!
- Sarah Lynn… Awww…
- Also… this is basically the only FULL episode of Horsin’ Around we ever got. So that’s cool.
Oof. This gif is too real to deal with at the moment. Not “REAL.” But like… in the context of BoJack Horseman. - Herb KaZazz is BoJacks’ boss. Literally and figuratively. LOLZ!
- lol Googer’s entry mkes me smile.
- Goober and… the Allison Brie one need to date. Obviously.
- Holy shit. In PURE BoJack Horseman fashion. SOOOOO God damn much realness just happened in about 2.2 seconds, bitch!
You HAVE TO watch cheesy, old Holiday specials on Christmas! IT’S TRADITION!
Thing’s don’t become traditions because they’re good, BOjack. They become good because they’re traditions!
- -Todd Chavez. 2014.
- Sarah Lynn wants pencils. Awwwww!
- Talk about Die Hard. I’ll have a similarish discussion later on during these 12 days. I promise.
- BoJack Chaparoneing a prom? Rut Roh!
- I’m sorry du. But like. This fake sitcom is great.
- I mean. WHo the hell does the basic bitch chocolate chip cookies for Santa. Right?
- lol THe bike helmet bit. Good times.
- Again. This fake sitcom is awesome.
Dear Diane, this is a letter. - “Santa Claus works in mysterious ways.” Aww… so cute.
- lol I love the “What?!” from the superfan in the live studio audience. That was great.
- LMAO. The Horse is and Sabrina are glad that her parentgs are dead and are never coming back. Awesome.
- And. In the end. Sabrina gets pencils. Oof.
- The tears are forming. Because. I’m a wreck. And BoJack makes me tear up and/or cry a lot. This is so good.
- Plus. There’s a Scrooge story in there too. About hating Jews. Or something.
- Plus. Santa’s real afterall! Good times. Then reality kicks in and we’re back to Family Guyish humor and dumbness.

Overall? This special gets 1 manatee Family Guy writer out of 5. It’s… just… barely servicable. You know? Given that this happened in 2014. When BoJack was still finding its footing and such… I dunno. Whatever. I’ll stop.
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